Feed&Seed Trip 4/27/12

Feed&Seed is a mini bible study I go to every Friday morning 7-7:4am. They provide breakfast and being with your friends at a well centered community. About 3 schools join Friday mornings to learn about God. At the end of the year we take a weekend trip to a very fun-filledĀ  place. This year we went to Hot Springs, Arkansas. We left Friday night at about 10:30pm. In 4 charter buses, there were kids in grades 7-12! That’s awesome to know that no matter the age, young adults will come to learn about God. We arrived at our hotel at 4:00am. We slept soundly….at least until 7am!! That’s only 3 hours of sleep, unless you slept on the bus. Although instead of sleeping, I stayed up jabbering to my new friends sitting behind me. We made so many memories and now are some of my best friends! Saturday morning we went to a localĀ  hiking spot and hiked all the way then came across a tower and climbed up probably 20 sets of stairs. sure it was tiring, but in the end, the view was amazing and the breeze was relaxing. After the hiking was over we went to Magic Springs amusement park for exasperating fun riding down roller coasters. We stayed at the amusement park for 6 hours then went to a church and ate pizza and have a bible study. Of course, I was the one that got dehydrated and had to get medical attention. The firefighter guy that was on the trip gave me important instructions. I got all better and prepared to tacked whatever God had to throw at me the next day. On Sunday, we had church at a park and then played at a park with a cute little creek with tadpoles and rocks to skip. On the bus ride back home we had even more fun remembering the memories and talking to my new friends. ON the trip, I learned that I can be individual and have my own choices and personality. I’m really glad I got to go and hope I get to go next year too!

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